FCC Selects Maine National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program

On October 13, 2022, the FCC released a Public Notice to announce Perkins School for the Blind (Perkins) as the certified entity for the National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP). Perkins will start on December 1, 2022 and replace Disability Rights Maine.

Links to the public notice:

URL: https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-certifies-perkins-school-blind-administer-maine-ndbedp

Word: https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-22-1091A1.docx

PDF: https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-22-1091A1.pdf

Text: https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-22-1091A1.txt

For more information about the NDBEDP, visit http://www.fcc.gov/ndbedp . For more information about this public notice, contact Jackie Ellington, NDPEDP Administrator. Disability Rights Office, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, at 202-418-1153 or Jackie.Ellington@fcc.gov. Individuals who use videophones and are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) may call the FCC’s ASL Consumer Support Line at 844-432-2275 (videophone).


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