TRS Contributors

Telecommunications Carriers receive invoices, July through June, for their share of the annual budget of the Interstate TRS Fund. The assessments are calculated and invoiced based on information provided to, or estimated by, the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) Form 499-A annually by April 1st. Contact, revenue, and other information provided on the form is provided monthly to Rolka Loube to account for any updates, assessments are calculated, and invoices due to the Interstate TRS Fund are sent out by email, unless an email address is not provided on the Alternative Billing Arrangements Form, Form 499-A line 208, 208.1, or 212. The email contains instructions explaining how to make a payment through Rolka Loube’s invoice and payment portal. Carriers receive an introductory message prior to this email as well. If you have any questions, please visit our TRS FAQs page.

For the 2024-2025 program year, the fund will calculate the Carrier Contribution Factor applicable to assessments invoiced July 2024 – June 2025 based on two factors (factor one to cover non-internet based TRS services and the second factor to cover internet based TRS services). The rates are as follows:

  • 0.00024 covering non-internet based TRS services (based on line 514b of Form 499A)

  • 0.01952 covering internet based TRS services (based on line 514a of Form 499A)

The Carrier Contribution Factors applicable to assessments invoiced July 2023-June 2024 are 0.00025 for non-internet based TRS services and 0.01615 for internet related TRS costs per FCC order DA-23-577A1.

The Carrier Contribution Factors applicable to assessments invoiced July 2022 – June 2023 are 0.01125 for non-IPCTS related costs and 0.00653 for IPCTS related TRS costs per FCC Order DA- 22-699A1.

The Carrier Contribution Factors applicable to assessments invoiced July 2021 – June 2022 are 0.01331 for non-IPCTS related costs and 0.00831 for IPCTS related TRS costs per FCC Order DA- 21-779A1.

The Carrier Contribution Factors applicable to assessments invoiced July 2020 – June 2021 are 0.01360 for non-IPCTS related costs and 0.00962 for IPCTS related TRS costs per FCC Order DA- 20-692A1.

The Carrier Contribution Factor applicable to assessments invoiced July 2019 – June 2020 is 0.02779 per FCC Order DA-19-607.

The Carrier Contribution Factor applicable to assessments invoiced July 2018 – June 2019 is 0.02801 per FCC Order DA-18-680.

Additional Information